Indonesia Tourism and Accomodation

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I hope, this Blog could provide usefull information about Tourism, Vacation, dan Accomodation in Indonesia. Thanks, The Roz

Cheap hotels in Sanur, Bali

Cheap hotels in Sanur, inexpensive solution to overcome the low-budget accommodation for holidays in Bali There are several options jasmine cheap hotels in Sanur. The hotel is equipped with standard facilities, clean, comfortable, and supported by an adequate service.

Sanur, a tour of the area which is located in the district of South Denpasar City, less than 4 km from the center of Denpasar. Sanur area is quite popular with the beach that restrict the southern island of Bali with the Indian Ocean.

Sanur area has been known since the first occurrence of the event when the heroic war Puputan Badung, where Dutch colonists use Seattle as the headquarters in the port to mobilize the infantri army to attack the central authority in Bali. Then a painter from Belgium A.J.Le Mayuer came in Sanur in 1937, and began to promote Sanur to the international through all the painting art, and become Bali citizens and marry a girl named Ni Polok. Since that time, the area known as Sanur began by the outside world and is slowly becoming an international tourist area.

Now, there are various kinds of accommodation facilities in the Sanur area, ranging from jasmine to the hotel with five-star hotel there in the Sanur area. Generally, cheap hotels in Sanur, located on the coastline, so it can become a lure for tourists who stay in one hotel in Sanur, considering the very popular Sanur beach with the beauty of the sun rising. to offer you some options cheap hotels in Sanur, which can be selected as an alternative accommodation for you to spend a holiday in Bali. Cheap hotels in Sanur, this is a hotel whose name is well known by European tourists, especially tourists who love the area of Sanur is a safe, comfortable, clean, and do not crowd like area of Kuta.

Ari Putri Hotel
Ari Putri Hotel Sanur, one of jasmine hotels in Sanur beach area that offers enough cheap price with the services and facilities of international standard, which of course will not disappoint you. Room rates start from RP 275,000 per night. More info, click here
Address : Jln. Sanur Beach, Banjar Semawang, Sanur - Bali
Category : Jasmine 3
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